As the world teeters on the brink of destruction, Jack West Jr learns of the Five Warriors who throughout history have been intimately connected to his quest. Now in a race against his enemies he must locate and set in place the remaining pieces of The Machine before the coming Armageddon when oceans will rise and cities will fall.
My Review:
The Jack West Jr series is great because the novels allow you to suspend disbelief for a few hours and fully immerse yourself in complex, twisty adventures that span every continent, from the Pyramids of Egypt to Loch Ness.
Reilly never fails to amaze me with the way that history from many different eras is weaved into the plot, giving great backstories to the intricate trap systems and lost civilisations that are part of Jack’s adventures, and this book is the best one yet with figures such as Genghis Khan and Jesus being involved with the plan to destroy the world.
I also love the camaraderie of the group and how all the different characters interact with each other, like one big dysfunctional family.
Yes, I’ll admit that these books are often very unrealistic and rely upon luck and coincidence but they make reading really fun and sometimes that’s all you need.
My rating: 8/10
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