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Life of Pi review

  Synopsis: Pi Patel is an unusual boy. The son of a zookeeper, he has an encyclopedic knowledge of animal behavior, a fervent love of stories, and practices not only his native Hinduism, but also Christianity and Islam. When Pi is sixteen, his family emigrates from India to North America aboard a Japanese cargo ship, along with their zoo animals bound for new homes. The ship sinks. Pi finds himself alone in a lifeboat, his only companions a hyena, an orangutan, a wounded zebra, and Richard Parker, a 450-pound Bengal tiger. Soon the tiger has dispatched all but Pi, whose fear, knowledge, and cunning allow him to coexist with Richard Parker for 227 days lost at sea. When they finally reach the coast of Mexico, Richard Parker flees to the jungle, never to be seen again. The Japanese authorities who interrogate Pi refuse to believe his story and press him to tell them "the truth." After hours of coercion, Pi tells a second story, a story much less fantastical, much more conventi
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Rule of Wolves - review

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The Lies You Told review

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Alex Ferguson review

  Synopsis: Sir Alex Ferguson's compelling story is always honest and revealing, and he reflects on his managerial career that embraced unprecedented European success for Aberdeen and 26 triumphant seasons with Manchester United. Sir Alex Ferguson's best-selling autobiography has now been updated to offer reflections on events at Manchester United since his retirement, as well as his teachings at the Harvard Business School, a night at the Oscars, and a boat tour round the Hebrides, where he passed unrecognized. The extra material adds fresh insights and detail on his final years as United's manager. Both the psychology of management and the detail of soccer strategy at the top level can be complex matters but no one has explained them in a more interesting and accessible way for the general reader than Sir Alex does here.  Alex Ferguson:   My Autobiography  is revealing, endlessly entertaining, and above all, inspirational. Review: One of the most boring books I’ve read in