Synopsis: Beautiful, fortune-telling Solitaire is the prisoner (and tool) of Mr. Big-master of fear, artist in crime, and Voodoo Baron of Death. James Bond has no time for superstition-he knows that Big is also a top Smersh operative and a real threat. More than that, after tracking him through the jazz joints of Harlem to the Everglades and on to the Caribbean, 007 has realized that Mr. Big is one of the most dangerous men that he has ever faced. And no one, not even the enigmatic Solitaire, can be sure how their battle of wills is going to end ... My Review: Some parts of this book were really good and some parts were…not. I really enjoyed the whole pirate treasure plot and especially the action scenes involving sharks, barracuda and all manner of dangerous fish. The backdrop of beautiful Jamaica in the second half of the book with the lush forests and wild coral reefs was really cool. However I didn’t really like the racist undertones of the book and the way that the black cha...
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